I am a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with over 10 years experience working with children with a range of speech, language and communication needs. I spent 4 years in the NHS, first in inner city London and then in Leeds, before moving on to provide an independent service.
Speech, language and communication skills are a key part of a child’s development. We know that these skills are closely linked to a child’s academic progress, particularly in literacy, and to their social and emotional well being. I provide comprehensive Speech and Language Therapy support to mainstream primary school settings across Leeds. If you are a school SENCo or Headteacher who is looking for some additional support for communication skills in your school, please contact me to find out how I can support your setting.
If you are a parent and you have concerns about your child's communication, please feel free to contact me to discuss how I may be able to help.
I can provide bespoke training sessions on a range of topics - please contact me to discuss the needs of your setting
Please contact me directly with any questions or inquiries you may have.
Working hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
SLCN stands for speech, language and communication needs. Many children will experience some form of SLCN in early childhood, and around 10% go on to require longer term support.
Communication needs can present themselves in many forms e.g. poor attention and listening, trouble understanding instructions, difficulty forming sentences and ideas, or difficulty interacting effectively or appropriately with friends. The best thing to do if you have any concerns is to discuss these with your child's school and/or with a Speech and Language Therapist who will be able to help you decide if your child may need extra support.
DLD is a brain difference (neurodiversity) in which an individual has persistent problems understanding and/or using language. There is no obvious reason for these difficulties, for example, there is no hearing problem or other diagnosed condition that explains them. DLD can have a significant impact on a child's ability to access their learning in a school environment. Children with DLD are likely to require ongoing support from a Speech and Language Therapist.